The system would function on a "must take" basis.
We'd been touring for so long and working so hard that I didn't know how to function on a daily basis.
While able to function on a daily basis, these children were not recovering, as everyone thought they would.
There is a need for educational systems and institutional structures as a whole to function on a multi-sectoral basis.
Since Indian independence in 1947 the postal service continues to function on a nationwide basis, providing a variety of services.
It seems to function on a similar cultural basis, grounded in conspicuous consumption and the pursuit of celebrity.
The accounts, which are now functioning on a limited basis, are in the House Republican bill.
We also will ask you to describe how your child's disability affects his or her ability to function on a day-to-day basis.
If you order it correctly, then your staff can function on a daily basis.
It really needed to pull itself down to earth and create a situation in which you could function on a daily basis.