Norwood School's mission is to ensure that each of its students grows intellectually, morally, physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually, while preparing to function productively and generously in our pluralistic society.
In this way, students learn to develop culture sensitivity and insight to function productively within academics, the private sector, government, and the community.
A third of an American generation is in the process of growing up illiterate or semi-literate, utterly unequipped to function productively in a technologically advanced society.
The case turns largely on a 1995 Court of Appeals decision that a sound education means one that prepares students to "function productively as civic participants capable of voting and serving on a jury."
But because these assets are not "paperized" in the formal documents and legal structures common in the West, they can't function productively as capital.
"I'm going to have to make a judgment in the next little while as to whether or not this Parliament can function productively," Harper said.
That court also decreed in 1995 that schools must prepare students to "function productively as civic participants capable of voting and serving on a jury."
But beyond that, they offered divergent views on what it means to "function productively" as a citizen.
Collectively, my network of fellow business owners, neighbors, friends, relatives and home-health specialists enabled me to function productively as I recovered.
"Such an education should consist of the basic literacy, calculating and verbal skills necessary to enable children to eventually function productively as civic participants capable of voting and serving on a jury," the decision said.