This testimony also finds expression in the tradition of plain walls and functional furniture in Quaker meeting houses.
Still, he did want functional furniture, so she got an old laundry table for a dining room table, wooden chairs and a bench.
The adjoining room was an office with wooden cabinets and functional furniture.
He then started to create his own furniture and was chosen by several Belgian administrations to design and create functional furniture.
Plain functional furniture, smoking coals in the grate, trunks standing in the corner.
The brown carpet, cream-colored painted walls, and unpretentious functional furniture looked more governmental than gaming.
Hutten is well known for what he refers to as 'No sign of design' furniture: functional furniture in a highly conceptual and humorous style.
It was here he founded his own business, designing and creating functional furniture such as tables, chairs and doors.
The 27 rooms are simple but cozy, with single beds and functional furniture and spectacular views out the windows.
Daniel Radven straddles the line between sculpture and functional furniture.