But the Eagles would probably be content with a merely functional performance from their offense, because their defense is playing superbly.
He showed me some little specks inside the tire, which had nothing to do with the functional performance and would not be visible.
This level of integration was required to achieve the functional performance obtained by the electrode.
Multilinguals constantly utilize the general executive control system to resolve interference/conflicts among the known languages, enhancing the system's functional performance, even on nonverbal tasks.
A meta analysis found that creatine treatment increased muscle strength in muscular dystrophies, and potentially improved functional performance.
This may be because the appearance of a building was easier to assess (especially at a distance) than either its functional performance or material durability.
The main focus is to look at the different information processing technologies that are presently used for enabling better functional performance.
In contrast, the traditional organization is geared to functional performance and the integrating force is authority.
Standardized tests of balance are available to allow physiotherapists and other health care professionals to assess an individual's functional performance.
They demand "change-ready" facilities, assessed by their accommodation capacity over time, rather than short-term functional performance.