As you know, the ten ambassadors voted unanimously to fund abortions for women in underprivileged countries.
I have also voted to ensure that federal funds will not be used to fund abortions as part of health care reform (Stupak Amendment).
Federal funds still could not be used to fund abortions, at home or abroad.
The Government of Prince Edward Island will fund abortions for women who travel to another province.
Rather, we will focus on the economic and social cost of refusing to fund abortions for women too poor to travel to a "free" state.
Despite some initial reluctance, he announced in July 2004 that the government would fully fund abortions at Jane's Clinic, once owned by Henry Morgentaler.
They also want to stop any tax money from going to fund abortions or abortion clinics.
Tom Price is notably Pro-Life and helped pass the Protect Life Act, which ensured no taxpayer dollars would be used to fund abortions.
That question is raised again by his decision to veto an appropriations bill because it would fund abortions for women pregnant as a result of rape or incest.
By law, the foreign aid program has not funded abortions since 1974.