By the 1930s local parents had helped raise funds (sometimes donating labor and land) to create over 5,000 rural schools in the South.
The fund created a permanent endowment to market and operate the mill.
"At the same time, this fund will create jobs for thousands of Iraqi workers on important projects across the country."
At the same time, the funds would then create a $75 million hole in the Mayor's plan to balance the budget.
Smart investors know that the smaller funds have always created the best returns.
The plan is to raise funds to create a mosque of their own where all are free to worship.
These funds may create new jobs, which will contribute to the development of a competitive and sustainable economy.
In their present form the structural funds will in the end create no or only a few new jobs.
The other condition is that the fund must not create an open-ended drain on Community funds.
It was then recorded that these funds created 2 jobs.