Many entrepreneurs do not have sufficient funds to finance projects themselves, and they must therefore seek outside financing.
We decided to raise funds to finance a well to provide the village with clean water, a community hall, and extra land for the school.
The fund will finance projects in energy, tourism, consumer-goods manufacture and telecommunications.
Under terms of the proposal, the 810,000-square-foot warehouse would be owned by the state, which would borrow funds to finance its construction.
The first five funds have financed 91 companies, 35 of the companies were start-ups.
The fund might finance anything from conservation training to restoration of the world's oceans and atmosphere.
There are not currently sufficient funds to finance it.
"I have a little difficulty with their using those funds to finance an Essex County facility."
A second $52 million fund will finance social service projects to help Vietnam veterans and their families, including children with birth defects.
In addition, two lenders have reportedly agreed to supply funds to finance the current harvest.