The party can then spend these unrestricted funds, known as soft money, to help candidates.
But now questions are being raised by consumer groups and members of Congress about the vulnerability of these funds, also known as guarantee associations.
Even more important, the majority leaders are the ones who dispense the discretionary funds, known as member items, that legislators bring home to their districts.
The funds, known as contractual plans, impose sales fees that eat up half of an investor's contributions in the first year.
Mutual funds, then known as investment trusts, barely existed before the 20's.
For 1992 so far, the fund, formerly known as Fenimore International, is up 5.4 percent.
The fund, also known as Calpers, is the nation's largest public pension fund, with $56 billion in assets.
More substantive payback may come in the near future, when discretionary funds, known as member items, are disbursed by the majority leader.
The state money will come from a fund known as Team Bridgeport.
Typically, the managers will also receive an incentive fee based on the performance of the fund, known as the carried interest.