He has also taught a course on mutual fund regulation at Stanford University Law School.
Now that it has stepped into hedge fund regulation, it is in the untenable situation of having to do it effectively.
The structural fund regulations allow for a fundamental review of the fund's operation to take effect from 1 January 1994.
Each open-ended collective investment scheme has its own fund regulations (often referred to also as prospectus).
And the new Congress should move forward with hedge fund regulation.
In both the rural development and structural fund regulations, funding for Natura 2000 is made more explicit and its scope extended.
The fund regulation does not appear to take account of cumulative disasters or prolonged events during which a disaster develops gradually, such as drought.
Does she think it feasible to have provision for these included in the structural fund regulations?
The draft regulation is a clarification, therefore, of the arrangements for management and control already provided for under the structural fund regulation.
The closed-end fund regulations managed to slip through last month because they were wrapped in a package of other proposals that were largely deregulatory.