In early American history, legislators commonly established lotteries to fund schools, roads, and other public works.
The Government does not fund religious schools or require them to pay taxes unless they conduct for-profit activities.
I cannot see any reason whatsoever for the state to fund schools, of any faith, that teach a religious doctrine.
These amendments prohibited the use of public funds to fund parochial schools and are still in effect today.
Using property taxes to fund public schools contributes to school inequality.
The inability of the government to fund schools leads to high education costs that most families cannot afford.
The property base needs some dramatic surgery if it's going to continue to fund schools.
January 9 - Virginia voters and representatives decide to fund private schools with state money to maintain segregation.
He was especially critical of Edwards' votes to increase the state's debt to fund schools.
Thus, governments allowed schools and school boards to collect taxes to fund schools.