Leo Goodwin, Sr. left a $16 million bequest to the university in 1971 which funded its expansion throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
That fee will be used to fund similar programs throughout California.
The plan now calls for M.M.I. to establish a nonprofit foundation to fund youth safety programs, like driver education, throughout the city.
VEP would fund registration activities under the supervision of the Justice Department throughout the south.
Carnegie systematically funded 2,507 libraries throughout the English-speaking world.
The agency's sole purpose was to generate revenues which it could then use to fund other projects throughout the state.
He worked to fund and create a number of other facilities throughout the university.
Ukraine needed more money to fund the building of additional pathogen and related facilities throughout Ukraine.
It has been used as an essential source to fund rural development schemes throughout the country.
The legislation authorizes sales of bonds to fund important capital projects at public facilities throughout Oregon.