For the past 80 years, the United States has been integral in fundamental advances in telecommunications and technology.
University officials said animals were essential to the school's breakthrough work with nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, a fundamental advance over X-rays, in the early 1970's.
They formed the first settled rural communities, thus forging the most fundamental civilizational advance.
Ronald Fisher made fundamental advances in statistics, such as analysis of variance, via his work on quantitative genetics.
They also seem to be acutely aware that fundamental advances can neither be engineered nor planned for.
Together, the two industrial giants achieved a fundamental advance in recording technology.
Such improvements are central to the role of the program, because opportunities remain for fundamental advances in understanding that promise to save lives and dollars.
Max said, "It could be a fundamental advance.
"It's a fundamental advance over what we have now."
As such it must rank as one of the most fundamental scientific advances of the century.