That is a fundamental axiom of Dianetic therapy.
It is a fundamental axiom of married life that you must lie to a woman.
SHE was stating the fundamental axiom of literature, the core of its appeal.
I even believe he made it one of his two fundamental axioms of psychohistory.
The doctrine of "no-work-no-pay" is a fundamental axiom in industrial relations.
During the 1970s, however, the whole basis of analysis shifted when what had been accepted as fundamental axioms were falsified by economic experience in the real world.
However, this fails to acknowledge a fundamental axiom of social work practice; namely that language not only reflects but also shapes social reality.
Schleiermacher had no doubts about it: it was the fundamental axiom of his whole system.
A fundamental axiom of China's policy is that it would use force if Taiwan declared independence.
This is the fundamental axiom which each party to the conflict must hold equally important, if there is ever to be true peace in that region.