The board would like to make you aware of the following fundamental deficiencies in United's proposal: First, the board has concluded that United's revenue projections are unreasonably optimistic.
According to the government the report was characterized by "fundamental deficiencies, inherent prejudices and malicious intentions" and that it was "legally, morally and substantively flawed".
Eshkol faced growing domestic unrest as unemployment reached 12% in 1966, yet the recession eventually served in healing fundamental economic deficiencies and helped fuel the ensuing recovery of 1967-1973.
The fundamental deficiencies in promoting care are poor quality of information, inadequate record systems, bad communication, and lack of coordination between health care agencies.
"The investigation quickly identified considerable and fundamental deficiencies relating to the reporting and production of the Sept. 8 segment and the statements and news reports during the aftermath," the panelists wrote.
The study concluded that on the battlefield valuable information was available that was not getting to the combat forces that needed it because of fundamental deficiencies in communications architecture.
And yet there were fundamental deficiencies in his singing.
A top Federal regulator ordered commercial bank officers today to correct promptly "a significant number of fundamental deficiencies" in their real estate lending operations.
Recognizing the fundamental deficiency in his own profile, Chhabria spent a few weeks attending a short-term course at Harvard Business School, but no miracle emerged from this initiative either.
Haber wrote that the final point reveals a "fundamental deficiency" of the Guide, because: