Barbados went into a deep recession in the 1990s after 3 years of steady decline brought on by fundamental macroeconomic imbalances.
The fundamental imbalance in the dollar is caused by the large budget deficit, the large trade deficit and the money supply.
"Rather than add restorations to the Mayor's budget, we need to do more to shore up the fundamental imbalance of the city's finances," he said.
And advocates of publicly financed campaigns were only too glad to help him, criticizing the mayor for creating a fundamental imbalance in the race.
The larger issue is that the 25-student cap is too high, and leads to fundamental imbalances.
What we have today is related to the takeover market, rather than fundamental imbalances in the global economy.
The only way to resolve that fundamental imbalance, he said in so many words, was to sharply curtail the relentless rise in equity prices.
In order to effect a lasting cure, it is necessary to correct the fundamental imbalance or disharmony.
A fundamental imbalance between supply and demand defines our nation's energy crisis.
He acknowledged that the roots also lay in a fundamental imbalance in the Police Department.