Its operation contradicts the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail.
Abroad, the fundamental maxim of their policy was to keep up the struggle against the House of Austria.
As Kramnick states, "Priestley's fundamental maxim of politics was the need to limit state interference on individual liberty."
He also understands a fundamental maxim of capitalism: Don't do yourself what you can pay others to do for you.
Those of us who believe in strong borders and firmly enforced immigration laws hold this as a fundamental maxim.
A fundamental clinical maxim is to listen to the patient.
It is a fundamental maxim of the law of agency.
"My fundamental maxim of government is never to trust the lamb to the wolf," and in France, he feared, the wolf was now the majority.
Here Steiner articulates his fundamental maxim of social life:
To live in love towards our actions, and to let live in the understanding of the other person's will, is the fundamental maxim of free men.