The second and more fundamental reversal occurred in late January 2003, when Premier Eves personally announced that Hydro One would remain under public control.
In One Sense, Reagan Revised His Agenda While others worry over the debt, some conservatives lament most the lack of a fundamental reversal of the Great Society.
But Mr. Dowling said, "We're not talking about any fundamental reversal on mandatory testing or confidentiality."
In addition, there was always an absolutely fundamental reversal in him.
Such fundamental reversals in human nature do not "just happen," but can result only from extraterrestrial influences.
The fundamental reversal had taken place in him as they made the Hopp-Equation trip, and Thomas seethed with a fury that he could not express.
For starters, she says, there has been a "fundamental reversal in sentiment on fiscal policy."
"There's no fundamental reversal going to occur," he said.
Its rebound was so slight that it could hardly be construed as any long-term fundamental reversal in its downward trend.
It is a fundamental reversal of historic trends.