The fundamental unfairness in our death penalty system is not a lack of procedures to raise meritorious claims.
"The fundamental unfairness of life," he laughed.
Nor can it disguise the fundamental unfairness of government denying a whole class of citizens the important benefits that flow from civil marriages.
Of course they do, but that should not override the fundamental unfairness of guest worker programs.
The stop-loss policy is the latest illustration of both the danger and the fundamental unfairness embedded in the president's "what, me worry?"
This fundamental unfairness is now locked into regulations.
You email just highlights the fundamental unfairness of the whole ticketing system.
The majority of the American public recognizes the fundamental unfairness of this unequal treatment and supports eliminating the five-year waiting period for legal immigrants.
I recall the story of a Victorian bishop who beat his children at random to teach them the fundamental unfairness of life.
But Dr. Newdow argued that the fundamental unfairness of current custody law increased the conflict.