He has been adopted as a "martyr" to the fundamentalist cause.
He recruited young Muslims to the fundamentalist cause in Madrid's mosques.
The Ayatollah's reputation for urging his supporters toward martyrdom for the fundamentalist Islamic cause gave his threats a certain credibility.
What factors can lead a young man to embrace a fundamentalist cause?
Whatever one thinks of the fundamentalist cause, it is on the wrong side of the ideological and class divide.
Howard Ahmanson, Jr (philanthropist for fundamentalist Christian causes)
Some advocates of the fundamentalist cause concede that in some ways, their movement has stalled.
Alanssi convinced al-Moayad to travel to Frankfurt, Germany in January 2003 to meet a potential donor for Islamic fundamentalist causes.
In the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of Bangladesh, Mr. Yunus's approach also offered hope and ideas to compete with the allure of fundamentalist Islamic causes.
For one thing the defendants are religious Muslims widely described as committed to fundamentalist Muslim causes around the world.