A favorite maxim of the fundamentalist regime is: "Our big mistake was teaching them to read.
Take the idea of women being stoned to death in Middle Eastern countries with religious fundamentalist regimes: no laughs linked to that.
Earth groans under the rule of fundamentalist political regimes.
A fundamentalist regime took over Algeria's government in the early 90's, imposing harsh restrictions.
Soccer's world governing body said it feared that Iranian exile groups opposed to the fundamentalist regime might try to interrupt the game.
But, as in most "fundamentalist" regimes, with public expression forbidden, private license was widespread.
And in the league table of least-worst options, where would you place an fundamentalist islamic regime with nuclear weapons?
According to its information, how many women are subjected to this fundamentalist regime?
That would only play into the hands of the fundamentalist regime.
Is it likely to turn Palestine into a new theocratic, fundamentalist regime?