That gives Washington special responsibility to work for an end to the fighting and greater respect for human rights, especially those of women victimized by Islamic fundamentalist rule.
It played an active role in uniting students, labour unions, nationalists and left wing parties to struggle against Ziaul Haq's military and fundamentalist rule.
There was a list of prominent Comorans who would have to be killed to make way for fundamentalist rule.
The rally, celebrating Women's Week in Iran, was a sign that some restrictions on women during the past 15 years of fundamentalist rule are starting to ease.
The campaign reflects the broader struggle between a people weary of rigid Islamic fundamentalist rule and a clerical leadership unwilling to yield power.
No one here believes that this country, which has been strictly secular since Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923, is about to fall under fundamentalist Islamic rule.
The US then supported their effort, and it was not until several years later that the Taliban formed and took control of the country, enforcing fundamentalist rule.
During the period of fundamentalist rule, she stayed in Afghanistan to secretly teach women.
The advance of the Massoud and Dostum armies, both hostile to the harsh fundamentalist rule imposed by the Taliban, opened several possibilities.
Relations between Washington and the Sudanese Government have gone from bad to worse in the nine years of fundamentalist rule.