Researchers such as Ayala have more fundamentally challenged the molecular clock hypothesis.
Ramdohr fundamentally challenged the concept that pure landscape painting could convey explicit meaning.
The lawyers said the case fundamentally challenged the Bush administration's effort to increase federal financing of church charities.
The yuppies were too fast and too crass, but they didn't fundamentally challenge Old Money's culture.
The work is an important correction of some data in the field, "but I don't think the studies fundamentally challenge the self-nonself theory."
The dilemma may fundamentally challenge the way astronomers estimate cluster ages, researchers said.
I very much regret the fact that I was unable to vote for this report, but it fundamentally challenged a belief that is dear to me.
I draw attention to the fact that this fundamentally challenges the independence of the Ukrainian judiciary in the eyes of the world.
Yet it doesn't fundamentally challenge the corn-feedlot system, and I'm not sure that an "organic feedlot" isn't, ecologically speaking, an oxymoron.