Even if it wasn't, the court held, it would be fundamentally unjust "to reward a party for misrepresenting or destroying evidence."
You need to think there is something fundamentally unjust about private property.
However, others feared that the act would establish the idea that the slave trade was not fundamentally unjust, but merely an activity that needed further regulation.
Article 1 declares that discrimination against women is "fundamentally unjust and constitutes an offence against human dignity".
After that, for the rest of her life, she was preoccupied by insanity and convinced that the world was fundamentally unjust.
Lefever said upon founding the institute that "a small ethically oriented center" should "respond directly to ideological critics who insist the corporation is fundamentally unjust."
The real problem with the death penalty is not delay; it is that society is unable to find a just way to administer a fundamentally unjust punishment.
Since the system is fundamentally unjust, it produces contempt for the hypocrisy of pretending that injustice is justice.
Allowing a little wiggle room is probably smart, at least in the short term, but the fundamental problem is that they operate a fundamentally unjust regime.
Mr. Mubarak blamed Israel - and by implication the United States - for pushing a peace agreement that Palestinians regard as fundamentally unjust.