According to its website, as of July 2012, it had funded over 5 million loans.
It has since funded over a half-dozen studies looking at the linkage between customers, employees, and financial results.
It has funded over 600 businesses and is acknowledged as having one of the lowest cost bases for its output.
The account was funded over time until the total bank balance reached two hundred and fifty million.
But some of these ideas have been funded over many years and they have a very small impact on energy needs.
One lesson we learned, was that they must be adequately funded over the long term.
A. There is little hope for the vast majority of the dot-com companies that were funded over the last four to five years.
Other "big science" projects such as those listed here have also been funded over the last one hundred years.
They have funded over 4,000 health and social care professionals across the UK.
The foundation has currently funded over 200 research projects at 50 institutions across the country.