A 17-month fundraising appeal by the Daily Record (Scotland) newspaper raised £4 million towards the £10 million building cost and the full target was raised 13 months later.
In 2006, a new fundraising appeal to raise £50 million was launched to much media attention under the dramatic banner "Save Canterbury Cathedral".
During the ten-year fundraising appeal, Spencer-Thomas raised 1.5 million pounds and gave nearly 1,400 talks to schools, clubs and societies on autism awareness.
Most institutions use professional development officers to conduct superior fundraising appeals for both the entire institution or individual colleges and departments.
The Red Cross and Oxfam are both running fundraising appeals; see their websites for more details.
Various fundraising appeals and representation to State and Federal Government resulted in the opening of a first class research centre at St. Vincents Hospital.
In 1973 as Deputy Chairman of the Scotch College Council he was asked to Chair his third fundraising appeal.
Public support for 21st Century Tiger complements the work of the zoo communities, through successive fundraising appeals and work with photographers, authors and conservationists.
'Australia's grand old lady of the theatre world' was quickly launched back into reconstruction, covered by a public fundraising appeal, adequate insurance and the State Government's assurance.
A fundraising appeal was launched in November 2005.