The openings lead to funerary chambers, where bones were stored after the vultures had picked them clean.
It is believed that the solid jedars that do not contain funerary chambers may cover a single tomb excavated into the bedrock.
Inside the terraces, four funerary chambers were found and several simpler tombs.
One night, while digging deep into an eroded pyramid, they broke into one of the richest funerary chambers ever looted.
Structure A-2 (Mound A) is an earthen platform thought to be a burial site (a "funerary chamber").
Steep, narrow tunnels lead to a tiny funerary chamber furnished by a simple granite sarcophagus.
The funerary chambers are largely plain, although there are cenotaphs running along the wall and carved in marble.
Both funerary chambers have shallow mihrabs on their walls facing the lesser riwaqs.
Dragomirna has no funerary chamber; there are five tombs in the portico and one in the bema.
The pyramid of the queen is no more than a mound of rubble, with its funerary chamber exposed by stone robbers.