A study was performed of funerary practices and biological characteristics of the massif populations.
Fascination with the past underlay China's religious and funerary practices, which are the focus of adjoining sections of the installation.
(One of them - a meditation on Corsican funerary practices - gives the collection its title.)
Horses played a central role in funerary practices, but also were important in other rituals.
What the archeological evidence does suggest is that these images were regularly used in funerary practice: they have all been found in graves.
Unguentaria were used as product packaging in commerce and for funerary practice.
The funerary practices seem to be similar, he said, but the Bahariya cemetery apparently holds a much richer treasure of mummies.
Its presence has been taken as an indication that during the Bronze Age the site was used for funerary practices.
Honey has been used in funerary practices in many different cultures.
Mark Patton (1987) noted that there was a considerable degree of variation in terms of funerary practices and how the dead were treated.