Ollae were used for funerary purposes from earliest times.
Later the crypts were converted to funerary purposes.
Isolated burials have been found at some sites but not enough to suggest a strong funerary purpose.
Egungun performances organized for funerary purposes mark the death of important individuals.
This script is almost exclusively used in near a hundred large stones (steles), probably with funerary purpose.
Many of them are represented in haniwa figurines for funerary purposes.
Painted amphorae were also used for funerary purposes.
The vast majority of the pottery used in England for both domestic and funerary purposes was hand-made locally.
Some of them may have been of funerary purpose, as coffin lids, while others may have formed part of a larger stone.
Despite its name, the Crypt has never been used for funerary purposes; it serves today for the display of sculpture.