This analogy would attest the ancient architects' will to perpetuate a link with the funerary traditions of their ancestors.
The Bhotiya have distinctive funerary traditions.
The mausoleum is constructed from large blocks of highly polished Quincy granite, and was inspired by Egyptian funerary traditions.
Butterworth & Sons were also early adopters of the embalming techniques that now distinguish American funerary traditions from those more common in Western Europe.
Catherine's approval would have been essential for such a departure from funerary tradition.
But Egyptologists and other scholars said the new find promised to yield important insights into the lives of affluent Romanized Egyptians, their religious beliefs and funerary traditions.
The nearby tombs show the same funerary tradition as Yue state tombs in Zhejiang Province.
"The Djedars could thus be considered the ultimate development of an indigenous, pre-Saharan funerary architectural tradition, adapted to fit a Christian, Romanized environment."
Many scenes have dionysiac or aphrodisiac themes, probably directly connected to funerary traditions and grave cults (many of the vases were made as grave offerings).
Famadihana is a funerary tradition of the Malagasy people in Madagascar.