A fungal culture is done to find out if an infection is caused by a fungus.
If you have been diagnosed with athlete's foot before and the symptoms have returned, a fungal culture will probably not be needed.
They are used to dispose used fungal culture and dead ants.
Their tasks are to attend to the fungal culture and to the developing eggs, larvae and pupae.
If fungal cultures are required, the test is performed by a technologist who specializes in microbiology.
In reality, it takes about ten days for the fungal culture to grow and produce results.
A fungal culture is used to find out whether fungi are present and, if so, what type of fungus it is.
Especially the balance between carbon and nitrogen in the medium influences the fungal culture.
Although it provides results more quickly than a fungal culture, the sporotrichin skin test has some important limitations.
Rhizopus oligosporus - the fungal starter culture used in the production of tempeh.