It's a funky and eclectic town with funky and eclectic characters.
But at least it had a funky character about it.
A lively song with a funky character and exclusive instrumentation.
In the mid-90's, with its cheap rents and funky, historic character, 11 Broadway seemed like a good place to start a business.
This light-bodied red has the funky, earthy, woodsy character that Burgundy lovers look for.
It tells of such things as Kennedy's living conditions in the Hollywood slums, his beat up car, his kidney issues, and funky characters throughout the story.
What's the IP of this funky 13 characters .
The three are trying to renovate the 7,200-square-foot building at 1 Knickerbocker Avenue, while painstakingly preserving its funky character.
Whatever plan is adopted should retain, said Mr. Rose, the developer, "the funky nautical character of the place, and not make it a sanitized touristy resort."
In his films, "some of the most raffish, funky and even sordid characters discover their own humanity" (Alissa Simon, Variety).