It stocks expensive lighting and funky furniture, as well as watches, kitchen utensils, and writing instruments.
Don Magee, who runs the store with his 80-year-old father, recently decided to sell off most (but not all) of the inventory to make room for pottery, hand-blown glass, books and funky furniture.
A big communal kitchen dominated the ground floor, which was filled with funky old furniture and walls of heavily thumbed paperbacks.
Now prosperous, and headed for an apartment in Chelsea, I decided to leave my funky furniture, carpets, equipment and pretty much everything else behind.
The two collected what they describe as "old, funky furniture" from flea markets and secondhand shops, which they painted white or green.
A Map Das Möbel is more of a bar than a shop, but it showcases some of the funkiest and most original furniture in Vienna.
Rock to visiting bands while seated on funky furniture and snacking on their excellent food (it'd be a crime to miss their fantastic 'hot & sour crispy chicken salad').
The most interesting storefront is actually a lot stocked with funky secondhand furniture.
C Map Even if you don't buy any of the designer homewares at Spazio Sette, it's worth popping in to see the funky modern furniture set against 17th-century frescoes.
Spread through three buildings, one a former neighborhood market, the 11 rooms have brightly painted wood floors and funky antique furniture, as well as cable TV, and off-street parking.