A quick walk through the the ramshackle stone village of Deya revealed funky stores and charming little cafes.
"Small funky stores owned by individuals; wonderful turn-of-the-century houses."
The beachside malecón, unique restaurants and funky stores make it a great place to meander, and you can shop uninterrupted by touts' invitations.
It's a great funky store," he said "It's right off the highway.
Locally known as one of Charlotte's most diverse and eclectic neighborhoods, it is filled with art galleries, funky stores, and restaurants.
And this funky store, which turned 25 last year, also has many action figures for all budgets.
A Map Not so much stocked as curated, this funky, beautiful store represents the obsessions and tastes of its owner, a designer with a strongly original aesthetic.
I'm also a man who climbs Adirondack peaks, hangs out at funky Hawaiian stores and has the confidence to wear a shabby pullover.
The funky little store was closed.
Elmwood Avenue, between West Utica and Forest, is dotted with bars, restaurants and funky stores.