He later wrestles with whiteness in a funny riff that begins with ambivalence about Justin Timberlake and ends with a subtle wardrobe malfunction.
Despite the funny riff on youth and glamour, the clothes looked off the pace.
He has some very funny riffs on the differences between the sexes "in this day and age - when the word female is changing its meaning so much."
For all the predictable one-liners, pratfalls and canned laughter clotting the pilot, there are some funny riffs down the line.
Fleeting touches of choreographic wit - salty amid the prevailing sweetness - show up in quick, funny riffs on hip-hop dancing as interpreted by Malibu rich kids.
His funniest riff is about a media consultant named Michael J. Wolf.
There is a funny riff for three men and two phallic poles that become, with a bit of red rope, a theater entrance.
In his opening remarks, John Waters, the puckish host, offered a long, funny riff about having inadvertently pirated "Pieces of April."
One of her funniest riffs concerned a high-pressure saleswoman: "It's stunning!