Instead, the furious Russian assaults had broken against our solidly held lines.
As they opened the door to the galley another furious assault on ice began overhead.
They hit the Wildcats with a furious assault and before anyone knew what happened, Duke led by 38-20.
Prince Mattick was giving ground under a furious assault of blade and spell.
Rather than waste his men in furious frontal assaults, he tried to outmaneuver the American forces.
He went down, slowly, beating at the animals but helpless before their furious assault.
He drove him to the ropes and unleashed a furious assault.
Holmes, 38 years old and a grandfather, could not withstand the furious assault of Tyson.
The halt appears to be prelude to an even more furious assault on the Chechen capital.
His leg muscle was beginning to cramp under her furious assault.