A single furious blow that struck sparks sent the second lock clattering to the floor.
Another furious blow cleared the window frame of the jagged slivers of glass that remained.
And just in time; Darkwind felt a furious blow shuddering against his protections as the others added their strength to his.
He stepped forward and in his passion he gave Stephen a furious open-handed blow.
But the young man did not heed them, and only struck a furious blow at the gate.
As Tara watched, the knife the captain was trying to direct into the other man's chest was deflected with a furious blow.
It was as if he'd been hit a furious blow in the stomach.
She dealt him a furious blow, killing him where he stood.
This time, the green-bearded dwarf stopped short of passing the man, instead launching a series of furious blows with his heavy club.
Blackthorne saw the door rocking under the furious blows of the assault jimmies.