Hours afterwards the Turks opened a furious bombardment on the empty trenches.
The evening sky was ablaze from the furious bombardment, and sparks flew from the impact of Union iron against the Rebel's shielded walls.
By November 14, the British had planted two additional batteries containing four 32-pound guns and six 24-pound guns, which added to the furious daily bombardment.
The dust was already a furious bombardment, filling ears and eyes.
Behind him the Unither began a furious bombardment but Khrest did not take the time to look back.
At daylight on 24 December, the huge fleet got underway, formed in line of battle before the formidable Confederate works, and commenced a furious bombardment.
At 8 a.m. on June 27, Union artillery opened a furious bombardment with over 200 guns on the Confederate works and the Rebel artillery responded in kind.
The furious bombardment lasted for four hours.
There, he weathered the furious bombardment as the Americans and Filipinos made their last stand, and when Corregidor fell, made it to the mainland in a canoe.
Having refused the demands, on April 6, 1813 Lewes was subjected to a furious all day bombardment, followed by a half-hearted landing the next day.