Bland's reputation has been further tarnished by his furious denunciation of China's nationalist revolution, China: the Pity of it (1932).
But it was exactly that furious denunciation which put it through the United States Congress, which had to find the money for it.
He had looked forward to baffled rage, furious denunciation, and a dozen other expressions of emotion, but certainly not to collapse of this kind.
They were jammed today with furious denunciations of American imperialism, and many called for retribution.
This brought his employer out of the back at once, blurting out the first phrases of furious denunciation.
They were almost certainly full of furious denunciations of the Government in general and Mr Gummer in particular.
Dr Clark was now seen hastily abandoning all those notes, containing all the furious denunciations that he had prepared earlier.
The sinking of the Lusitania aroused furious denunciations of German brutality.
They roared furious denunciations, they roared imprecations, they scolded and threatened and argued.
Yet he found it exceedingly difficult to concentrate on the problem because Mary's enraged face and furious denunciation of him persistently rose up in his mind.