After furious fighting, the Union troops broke through and Wheeler's force hastily withdrew.
It was at this point that the German infantry attacked again, touching off another round of furious fighting.
He told of how his men in one week during the furious fighting outside the city had rolled up 12 Soviet defensive positions and captured 248 bunkers.
The furious hand-to-hand fighting that followed in the covered streets of Neruda had hurt us far more.
The second time, Foster stopped Chun in the second round after some furious fighting.
After two hours of furious hand-to-hand fighting, the Mexicans were defeated, losing twenty-six dead and forty-six wounded.
There is savage, furious fighting among the burning houses.
The brief but furious fighting may have cost thousands of lives, and it was too early to predict whether it was over for good.
They entered Rome after furious fighting.
In furious fighting that raged all day, the anti-tank guns were destroyed and most of the men wounded.