Though they had been prepared for an attack, they were not prepared for this furious onslaught made upon them by their friends.
He rounded a corner to find a score of undead warriors being driven back by the furious onslaught of Gotrek's axe.
Muzzle-flashes lit up the street, the gunship's hull sparking with the furious onslaught of autofire.
At the same moment, I felt a furious mental onslaught.
The older men, though strong, were no match for the agile Hardys and the furious onslaught of Chet and Tony.
Then the furious onslaught ended.
Bishop Percy was next subjected to a furious onslaught in the preface to a collection of Ancient Songs (printed 1787, dated 1790, published 1792).
It seemed impossible that any door could withstand so furious an onslaught.
So Holyfield imported sparring partners who would rush him at the bell and put on furious onslaughts for 15 or 20 seconds.
The mighty panels trembled and bent beneath the furious onslaught of the enraged yellow men.