The proposal has drawn furious opposition, particularly from small business.
During the last two years, Federal regulators have ordered the cable television operators to cut their prices by about 17 percent, generating furious opposition from the industry.
The government managed to pass the loan through a vote in parliament despite furious opposition.
The plans, delayed a week by furious opposition from conservative politicians and the banks, are expected on Wednesday.
Everyone knows about Mr. Nader's furious opposition to global trade agreements.
What I would describe is a strong, even furious opposition of views.
Mr. Bush is already encountering furious opposition from veterans to his proposals to require higher co-payments.
This new view of the scheme of nature had been encountered with the most furious opposition.
It was one reason she'd chosen to pursue a career in film, following her aunt's lead, despite her father's furious opposition.
Despite furious opposition from trial lawyers, support grows for limiting damage awards for pain and suffering to $250,000.