The sound of the baby's furious screams merged with hers.
He needed to raise his voice to tell them this for the childish voice, raised in furious screams, made normal speech impossible.
Bell heard his wild and furious screams as he drove the enemy back with steady fire.
Behind them Waylander could hear the thunder of hooves and the furious screams of the pursuers.
This time Tammy did hear her, though it was not a word she uttered but a scream, a furious scream.
And, then, with a furious scream, Ahmed heaved the torch at the mummy in the lead.
He paced into the living room, twisting his head and shoulders as the furious screams above began to abate.
He retrieved his weapons as from the fusuma door behind him came a woman's furious scream and a man's roar.
The face was dark red, contorted into a furious scream of rage; the eyes, squinted almost shut, were a blazing blue.
He was alerted by the furious screams of the others attacking him.