His voice rose to a furious shout.
The enemy commanders rallied their troops with furious shouts.
There was a furious shout from the man who was at the wheel.
His words were drowned by the furious shouts of the horsemen.
Without warning, furious shouts and screams from inside Kugu's house shattered the stillness of the night.
They were apparently beyond Siris's psychic range, although when a particularly furious shout echoed through the building, she gave a start of surprise.
Yates, with a furious shout, grasped his revolver and started in pursuit, followed by the other men.
A mortified Worth was seen speeding away in his car, to furious shouts from the angry policeman.
The furious shout made her turn, stare at him.
The lines crashed together with a furious shout.