Only the fact that Anne's eyes were reddened with furious tears offered any bridge between the cold narrative and the charged memory.
He shook furious tears from his eyes and went back down stairs, to the pantry behind the kitchen, where the downward route must be.
She came after him; he felt her hand on his arm and turned--but her eyes were shining with furious tears.
He was breathing hard, trembling, eyes wounded and filled with furious tears.
'And then at the beginning of the new academic year, I get passed over as a department chairman,' she went on, eyes flaming with furious tears.
Marion stood with her back to the window, and she knew he couldn't see her furious, childish tears.
Wa'bet's accusing eyes were swollen, too, from furious tears.
I saw the furious tears backing up in her eyes.
Sofia brushed hot, furious tears away and poured water into the cracked washing bowl; her hands were shaking.
Alanna threw herself onto her sleeping mat and gave way to furious tears.