Gave a small, furious wave, showed Eric her back.
The voyagers, clinging to the net, were still too heavy for it, and soon, half plunged into the sea, they were beaten by the furious waves.
Then he returned to the rocks, against which the furious waves were beating, to save what he could.
It thrashed the water into furious waves until I momentarily expected the raft to be swamped.
Then he quietly returned towards the fatal rocks, against which the furious waves were beating, in order to save any stray waifs from the wreck.
They moved toward the Hirogen in a vast, furious wave.
It happened with the impact of a single furious wave against a shoal of rock.
The director gave a furious wave of his hand and walked away.
I watched helplessly as the furious waves became higher and rougher.
Crab fishermen who haul in pots face furious and frigid waves.