There were five of them, huge muscles moving beneath their furred skins.
The mere touch of the toxic vines was enough to raise healthy welts even on furred skin.
It was six-legged with a fold of furred skin running from forelimbs to hindmost limbs.
He put his hands out and touched the woman's furred skin.
The Major carried some furred skins over his arm, and now he tossed one to each of the disguised men.
These are covered with furred skin.
A black scar slashed across delicate furred skin.
Below the creature's arms, supported by a second, still wider set of shoulders, rested what at first appeared to be a giant flap of furred skin.
The furred skins marking the entrance to the tunnel barely quivered around her when she slipped through.
She blotted her eyes against the furred skin of his chest, dampening it with tears.