I own a dog myself, love my furry friend, but wouldn't dream of bringing her to the office.
Whatever it is, it's calling our furry little friends away from us.
But we land, and the only inhabitants are your fine furry friends whose one purpose in life seems to be to get scratched.
Many times they have pretty good explanations for the behaviors of our furry friends.
Everybody I've talked to said they just suddenly couldn't find their furry friends when the time came to go.
"Oh, and I can't forget my furry friends who have something special to say about every subject."
"I can see the danger involved even if you can't, my furry friend."
How lovely to see a furry friend from my childhood.
"What's the difference in time between humans and our little furry friends?"
But all the toys and education in the world can't take the place of the lessons that can be learned from a furry friend.