The battery's personnel was further augmented by members of the 6.
Pieces by other artists project many different physical qualities that further augment the show's considerable strengths.
Several examples are designed to collect and hold water, which further augments the deliberate use of reflections.
In 1943 and 1944 these were further augmented by concentration camp and other prisoners.
Her antiaircraft defenses were further augmented by the addition of several single 20-millimeter mounts.
The 4-series 4-string played equally well, with its added P-style pickup further augmenting the range of sounds.
Other proteins that further augment this cycle may exist.
Additionally, the governor is given wide discretion in awarding state contracts, further augmenting his influence.
On later journeys he further augmented his collection of copies and in 1860 published a catalogue of them.
After being recorded, sounds were further augmented by alterations to their pitch, reverb and frequency.