But legal experts say that in trying to paper over deep philosophical divisions on the issue of racial preferences, the lawmakers further clouded many issues.
Confusingly, Terry later says they were married for two years "on and off", which further clouds the continuity issue of Terry's time away.
This latest announcement further clouds an already shaky pact many see as doomed.
Differences of class and race further cloud the issue: A slogan proclaims that "statehood is for the poor."
Her heart fell at seeing his eyes cloud further.
Consumer advocates point out, however, that such practices further cloud the hazy line between entertainment and advertising.
This uncertainty further clouds an already murky economic picture, with just as many indicators pointing down as up.
The decision further clouds the prospects for the field, in which Chevron and 17 partners have invested $2.5 billion.
Administrative issues further cloud the practicality of fees on virgin materials.
The last thing she wanted was anything that might further cloud her mind.