The ministry further decided to indefinitely postpone implementing the plans for a future link from the railway to Modi'in (B2) east to Jerusalem.
They could further decide upon the terms of election for establishing and maintaining these bodies.
Ronit further decided to move into freelance editing, especially since it would take him many years before he could become a director.
Right then I decided the further we stayed away from Van Bokkelen, the better.
The Security Council further decided that Hajj pilgrimage flights were excluded from the provisions of Resolutions 661 and 670.
But he further decided to store yet another copy of the E911 Document on another person's computer.
Ben, she decided, then decided further that she had let him pace and complain long enough.
The Bangkok resolution further decided that the Indian National Army was to be subordinate to it.
Around this time, or somewhat before, they further decided Joachim's own writings were the Eternal Gospel or the road to it.
I further decided the expedition should be as small as possible: that is, one person.